Grade summaries
A study of creation through the life of Joseph in the old Testament as well as the life and ministry of Jesus Christ our Savior in the New Testament. Christian character traits, such as the “fruits of the spirit” are emphasized throughout the year.
Letters with their phonetic sounds are re-introduced. Students are then introduced to blends and one-vowel words. Reading groups are started after Thanksgiving break. All children will be reading by the end of the school year. A high percentage of students will be reading by the end of the year.
D’Nealian writing is taught in order to prepare the students for cursive writing, which will be introduced in the 2nd grade.
Recognition and writing of the numbers 1-100. Addition, subtraction, money, clocks, will be taught.
History/Social Studies:
Students are introduced to “community workers.” Students are then exposed to the United States and other countries of the world.
Topics of study include the five senses, weather, seasons, God’s plan for growing food, and animals.
Physical Education:
Students learn games that teach body and spatial awareness, chasing, fleeing, dodging, basic locomotive skills, and following instructions. Students are introduced to the Presidential Physical Fitness Test, catching, throwing, dribbling and shooting. Teamwork games are also introduced.
Students are introduced to the study of God’s creation, Joseph, Abraham, and Jesus.
Reading – students will study the ABeka reading program and participate in daily reading groups. Phonics – students will learn over 100 special sounds, compound words, root words, prefixes, suffixes, syllables, rhyming words, and opposites. Spelling – students will study 15 new words each week.
Students will be introduced to the writing process, with a concentration in organizing their thoughts and ideas.
Students will be taught how to tell time, addition and subtraction facts from 1-13, counting coins in combinations, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s and 25’s, measuring with inches and centimeters, learning equivalencies such as 1 year is 365 days or 16 ounces are in a pound, word problems, and odds and evens.
History/Social Studies:
Students will learn about our country and are introduced to other countries as well.
Students are taught about manners, hygiene and safety. They will study the five senses and will discover animals, insects, plants, seasons, myself and toys/forces.
Physical Education:
Students learn games that teach body and spacial awareness, chasing, fleeing, dodging, catching, throwing, dribbling and shooting, following instructions and basic locomotive skills. Students begin the Presidential Physical Fitness Test.
First grade continue reviewing and expanding on the same goals as kindergarten with the added focus of typing stories in Microsoft Word. They will also be working in IXL. Student will use IXL to study math, reading and language.
Students learn about the birth of Jesus, crucifixion and resurrection. Students study the life of Moses, Joshua, the Judges and Ruth. Character traits are incorporated into our verses, the situations encountered in class, and on the playground.
Students will read 10 books over the school year. They start at an easy to read level and progress to several books at the end of the year that are at 3rd grade skill level.
Students memorize consonant blends along with clue words, which helps in both reading and spelling. Students learn about suffixes and prefixes, capitalization rules, adding suffixes, usage of words, synonyms, homonyms, compound words, and opposites. Students learn to divide words into syllables and accent the loudest syllable. They will also identify subjects/predicates, verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Students will also practice 4 types of sentences.
Students work on writing complete thoughts, using proper punctuation. One of the goals is to write interesting sentences.
Students learn to count beyond 1,000 by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s, 25’s and 50’s. Students learn place value to the 10,000’s place. Students learn to order numbers from least to greatest and learn to round to the nearest 10 and the nearest dollar. Students will learn to add and subtract to anything equaling 18 and then apply those facts to larger problems. Students will work story problems that include missing facts and added facts. Students learn to borrow. Students will work on critical thinking skills. Students learn to count coins, bills, combine coins and bills, and order bills from least to greatest. They will also add and subtract dollars and cents and learn to make change. Students learn Roman Numerals 1-30, 50, 100 and 500. They will learn to read bar and line graphs and to plot points on line graphs. They will tell the time to the minute and will work on time zones in the United States. They will learn to read thermometers to the nearest degree, including odd degrees. They will work on fractions – 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. They will learn to measure using both inches and centimeters. They learn multiplication through the 6x table and some years go through the 8x table. Students will also be introduced to the concept of division.
History/Social Studies:
Students will study American History from the time of the Pilgrims through modern times. Included are the Colonists, Pioneers, Cowboys, and Immigrants. Students will also study about American Symbols, Freedoms, Patriotic Holidays and Songs. Students also learn about the states and where they are located on the map.
Science/Life Science:
Students will study plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, animals and their habitats. Physical Science – Energy, Heat, Light. Earth Science – Weather, Ocean. Students will end with studying about the human body.
Students will practice and learn cursive letters and words.
Students use the Chromebook to work on the IXL program.
Students will study the life of Christ and the early church. They will gain an understanding of the structure and purpose of the Bible and how each specific book fits into the whole of God’s Word and the Gospel message.
Students will continue to develop reading fluency and expression. We will use classic literature including authors such as EB White and Richard and Florence Atwater. Students will also be introduced to alphabetization, spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Students will continue to develop proper sentence structure, noun usages, verb types, and pronouns. Students will learn how to write a friendly letter, persuasive essay, short story, book report and research paper.
Students will become proficient at multiplication tables 0-12. Students will continue to develop addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and be able to use them in more complex problem solving. Students will learn basic geometry, the use of graphs, rulers, different units of measurements, temperature, and place value. They will continue to practice time on an analog clock as well as counting, rounding, dividing and determining change with money.
History/Social Studies:
Students will cover American history starting with the Pilgrims and concluding the year with the Civil War. They will cover the Constitution, early American presidents, the War of 1812, and the spread of the United States to the West. Students will be able to identify and label the states on a map.
Students will study earth and space science, life science and physical science.
Students will utilize Chrome Books to use the IXL learning program as a tool to aid in additional education within a variety of subjects. Students will be taught how to properly use a username and password to log into the program and navigate the contents independently.
Spiritual/Bible: Purposeful Design
This curriculum focuses on the foundational teachings from the Bible about the nature and character of God, the qualities of His people, and His Church. Students are given an overview of the doctrines of the Christian faith. These doctrines will give students a solid foundation for life as they grow in their relationship with Jesus. Weekly memory verses from the ESV Bible will correlate with each week’s lesson and students will learn how to apply these verses to their lives.
Reading/literary units are interactive and use engaging activities to reinforce comprehension, vocabulary and growth. Four novels, Island of the Blue Dolphins, By the Great Horn Spoon, Caddie Woodlawn and My Side of the Mountain are read and discussed throughout the year. New vocabulary is introduced with each story and comprehension questions are used as a supplement.
Writing/Grammar: BJU Press
Writing and Grammar reviews and broadens 4th grade students’ foundational knowledge of English conventions and teaches students how to apply them directly to how they write and speak. Textbook chapters alternate between teaching student’s grammar, usage, and mechanics and teaching students to write using the writing process.
Spelling: BJU Press
Students are guided towards better spelling and a richer vocabulary. A dictionary skills section is also included to familiarize students with using a dictionary.
Math: ABeka
Throughout the year, students will be accomplishing many mathematical concepts including multiplication, place value, measurements, division, estimation, common factors, fractions, graphs and story problems, Test and quizzes will be alternated once a week. Daily Speed Drills will be given to test their fluidity regarding their multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction facts. Fourth graders should know their multiplication fact (x2 through X12) readily within the first couple weeks of school. Those students who do not know their multiplication facts must get a set of flash cards for home review.
History/Social Studies: Do California
California is one of the richest lands in the world. If it were an independent nation, it would be one of the wealthiest and most productive. The story of how this came to be and the many ways God directed the development of the state are presented in our year-long study. Do California, incorporates lessons on the First Californians, Missions, Ranchos, Gold Rush, Agriculture, and Industrial Growth. All scheduled field trips complement our History curriculum. We visit Ft. Ross, Sonoma Mission, General Vallejo’s Home, Ag Days and an overnight stay in Coloma.
Science: BJU Press
Students learn about life through the lens of a biblical worldview. They will discover living things, energy, and the earth’s surface by using their scientific knowledge, inquiry skills, and engineering skills. They also explore plants, animals, humans, waves, and natural resources and further analyzes their cycles and patterns. Students will discover more of the world around them and deepen their knowledge of the Creator.
Students will study books in the Old Testament that emphasize choices and their consequences. Beginning in Genesis, students will gain a much clearer perspective of how the stories of the Old Testament fit together with the New Testament and point to our redeemer, Jesus Christ. Character development is also included along with verse memorization.
Students will read as a class four books during the year of varying styles of writing. Annotating is also taught to help with comprehension. To instill the love of reading, a Teacher Read time is incorporated into the day. A fun book report is one of the projects during the year which includes reading a book of their choice, writing the report, art work, and oral presentation.
Creative writing projects allow students to expand their writing abilities as they learn to use graphic organizers, write poetry, and create short stories, letters, and essays. Many writing projects are thematic and reinforce other areas of the curriculum. Our English curriculum also focuses on grammar skills that are foundational as they move on to the following grades.
Students study introduction to geometry, equations, decimals, measurement and fractions.
History/Social Studies:
Students study American history from the development of the automobile in the late 1800s through the inauguration of President Obama in 2009. Topics are presented from a biblical perspective and include the invention and influence of the automobile and airplane, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, struggles over civil rights, the war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and immigration decisions.
Our curriculum explores God’s creation in a study of minerals and rocks, fossils, matter and heat, sound and light, weather, ecosystems, and the respiratory and circulatory systems. Students develop science process skills by participating in hands-on activities and projects. Students will also research and create a biome diorama as one of their quarterly projects.
We use IXL online to support our curriculum. The students have access to this online program at home as well. In addition, students will utilize a typing skills software to improve their speed, accuracy, and form. Final draft writing assignments are typed and submitted electronically via Google Docs.
Spiritual/Bible: Design for Discipleship Book 1 and 2, Nav Press
Book 1, Your Life in Christ covers topics such as: God Cares for You, The Person of Jesus Christ, The Work of Christ, and The Spirit Within You. Book 2, The Spirit Filled Follower of Jesus, studies topics such as; The Obedient Follower of Jesus, God's Word in Your Life, Conversing with God, Fellowship with Followers of Jesus, and Witnessing.
Students will read three novels during the school year as well as several short stories. They work on literary analysis through discussion of key themes and literary devices. They also use these novels as the subject matter for technical writing practice. Current possible novels include: A Father’s Promise, The Secret Garden, The Bronze Bow, and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.
Writing/Grammar: BJU Press
Within our Grammar curriculum, students will focus on various writing styles including: Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, and Narrative. In addition to writing techniques taught through Grammar class, writing is incorporated throughout the middle school curriculum in all subjects. Students also focus on writing in their Reading/Literature classes and practice technical writing while analyzing novels read throughout the year.
Spelling: Wordly Wise
This curriculum focuses not only on spelling but also strongly emphasizes vocabulary. It encourages students to discover word meanings through various exercises to help them as they encounter words they may not know in their daily lives.
Math: California Math Course 1, McDougal Littell
In this sixth grade math text, students focus on the following math concepts:
• Number Patterns and Fractions
• Fraction and Decimal Operations
• Integers
• Expressions and Equations
• Ratios and Proportions
• Percents
• Analyzing Data
• Probability
• Geometric Figures
• Measurement and Area
• Surface Area and Volume
• Graphing
Science: Life Science, ACSI Purposeful Design Curriculum
We explore the world of Earth Science, which incorporates God as the Creator and is written from a Biblical worldview. We read through the textbook and then do labs and watch videos that go along with the curriculum. We plan to cover the following key units throughout the year:
• Geology (Introduction to Earth Science, Minerals, Rocks, Structure of the Earth)
• Geologic Changes (Weathering and Erosion and Soil)
• The Dynamic Earth (Crust Movement, Earthquakes, Volcanoes)
• Water and Water Systems (Water and Oceans)
• Meteorology (Atmosphere, Weather, Climate)
• The Environment (Natural Resources and Pollution Solutions)
• Astronomy (Solar System, Planets, Sun, Earth, and Moon)
• The Great Expanse (Stars and the Universe, Space Exploration)
History/Social Studies: Heritage Studies, Ancient Civilizations, BJU Press
Through the study of the geography, government, economics, and culture of ancient civilizations spanning from the beginning of time to The Middle Ages, the students will acquire practical skills, interact with primary and secondary sources and discern change and causation.
Spanish: TPT Miss Senorita Digital Curriculum
Miss Senorita Spanish Curriculum is a three year program that focuses on foundational Spanish content and communication skills. Through classroom activities, projects, music, and more, students are able to gain skills in foreign language acquisition. Whether students continue with their Spanish studies in high school or transition to another language class, our Spanish program is designed to introduce the crucial skill set of translation and foreign language comprehension.
Life Skills:
This class is a rotating curriculum that focuses on four major content courses: creative arts, practical skills, financial literacy, and community outreach. Through mastering basic skills in everything from savings accounts to sewing a button on a shirt, this class is designed to aid our Junior High students in mastering basic life skills that have fallen off the traditional curriculum track. Through mastering skills and exploring their creative side, students are able to enter high school as empowered, skilled teenagers.
Bible: Design for Discipleship: The Character of a Follower of Jesus & Foundations for Faith, NavPress
Through an in depth study of the Bible’s overarching theological themes, the student will grow in internal awareness of character and in knowledge of God’s truth.
Students will read three novels during the school year as well as several short stories. They work on literary analysis through discussion of key themes and literary devices. They also use these novels as the subject matter for technical writing practice. Current possible novels include: Call of the Wild, White Fang, Crispin, The Bronze Bow, Hostage Lands and Treasure Island.
Writing/Grammar: Grammar, BJU Press
Within our Grammar curriculum, students will focus on various writing styles including: Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, and Narrative. In addition to writing techniques taught through Grammar class, writing is incorporated throughout the middle school curriculum in all subjects. Students also focus on writing in their Reading/Literature classes and practice technical writing while analyzing novels read throughout the year.
Spelling: Wordly Wise
This curriculum focuses not only on spelling but also strongly emphasizes vocabulary. It encourages students to discover word meanings through various exercises to help them as they encounter words they may not know in their daily lives.
Math: Intermediate Mathematics, Abeka
In order to gain an awareness of the orderliness of God’s creation and how to apply mathematical principles in daily life, the student will practice a rigorous introduction to algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, graphing and inequalities.
History/Social Studies: World Studies, BJU Press
Through the study of the narrative of world history from feudalism to present day, the students will develop social studies skills regarding history, government, economics, geography and citizenship, practice reading and writing with primary and secondary sources, provide visual analysis of various types of data, and discern change and causation of current events through the lens of a biblical worldview.
Science: Life Science, ACSI Purposeful Design
We explore the world of Life Science, which incorporates God as the Creator and is written from a Biblical worldview. We read through the textbook and then do labs and watch videos that go along with the curriculum. We plan to cover the following key units throughout the year:
• Cells
• Taxonomy
• Viruses
• Bacteria and Archaea
• Introduction to Plants
• Plant Activity
• Invertebrates
• Vertebrates
• Cardiovascular, Digestive, and Immune Systems
• Respiratory and Excretory Systems
• Movement and Senses
• Human Development
• The Ecological Landscape
Spanish: TPT Miss Senorita Digital Curriculum
Miss Senorita Spanish Curriculum is a three year program that focuses on foundational Spanish content and communication skills. Through classroom activities, projects, music, and more, students are able to gain skills in foreign language acquisition. Whether students continue with their Spanish studies in high school or transition to another language class, our Spanish program is designed to introduce the crucial skill set of translation and foreign language comprehension.
Life Skills:
This class is a rotating curriculum that focuses on four major content courses: creative arts, practical skills, financial literacy, and community outreach. Through mastering basic skills in everything from savings accounts to sewing a button on a shirt, this class is designed to aid our Junior High students in mastering basic life skills that have fallen off the traditional curriculum track. Through mastering skills and exploring their creative side, students are able to enter high school as empowered, skilled teenagers.
Spiritual/Bible: Design for Discipleship, Nav Press
Book 6, Growing in Discipleship covers topics such as: what is a disciple, how we are to manage and steward what has been given to us by God, sharing the gospel and our faith, helping others become established in their faith, and communicating the gospel to the world. Book 7, Our Hope In Christ, is a study of the book of 1 Thessalonians. The student will learn how to study the Bible chapter by chapter. They will gain an understanding of Bible study principles and methods.
Students will read three novels during the school year as well as several short stories. They work on literary analysis through discussion of key themes and literary devices. They also use these novels as the subject matter for technical writing practice. Current possible novels include: The Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, and Treasure Island.
Writing/Grammar: BJU Press
Within our Grammar curriculum, students will focus on various writing styles including: Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, and Narrative. In addition to writing techniques taught through Grammar class, writing is incorporated throughout the middle school curriculum in all subjects. Students also focus on writing in their Reading/Literature classes and practice technical writing while analyzing novels read throughout the year.
Spelling: Wordly Wise
This curriculum focuses not only on spelling but also strongly emphasizes vocabulary. It encourages students to discover word meanings through various exercises to help them as they encounter words they may not know in their daily lives.
Math (Pre-Algebra): ABeka
Students are assessed and placed in either Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1 depending on their readiness. They continue to build on concepts from previous years. Topics may include: Measures, Foundations of Algebra, Equations & Equalities, Foundations of Geometry, Area & Volume, Graphing, Probability & Statistics, Polynomial Arithmetic, Radicals & Trigonometry, and Systems of Equations.
History/Social Studies: American Republic, BJU Press
Through the study of the narrative of American history from colonialism to present day, the students will develop social studies skills regarding history, government, economics, geography and citizenship, practice reading and writing with primary and secondary sources, provide visual analysis of various types of data, become informed citizens and discern change and causation of current events through the lens of a biblical worldview.
Science: Physical Science, ACSI Purposeful Design Curriculum
In 8th Grade Science we explore the world of Physical Science, which incorporates God as the Creator and is written from a Biblical worldview. We read through the textbook and then do labs and watch videos that go along with the curriculum. We plan to cover the following key units throughout the year:
• Matter (Composition of Matter, Nature of Matter, Atomic Structure, and Chemical Interactions)
• Types of Substances (Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids, Organic Compounds, and Other Useful Materials)
• Interactions of Matter (Solutions, Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases, and Salts)
• Matter in Motion (Forces in Motion, Work and Energy, and Types of Machines)
• Energy at Work (Thermal Energy, Nuclear Energy, and Energy Resources)
• Sound and Light (Waves, Sound, Light, and Optics)
• Electricity and Magnetism (Electricity and Magnetism)
Spanish: TPT Miss Senorita Digital Curriculum
Miss Senorita Spanish Curriculum is a three year program that focuses on foundational Spanish content and communication skills. Through classroom activities, projects, music, and more, students are able to gain skills in foreign language acquisition. Whether students continue with their Spanish studies in high school or transition to another language class, our Spanish program is designed to introduce the crucial skill set of translation and foreign language comprehension.
Life Skills:
This class is a rotating curriculum that focuses on four major content courses: creative arts, practical skills, financial literacy, and community outreach. Through mastering basic skills in everything from savings accounts to sewing a button on a shirt, this class is designed to aid our Junior High students in mastering basic life skills that have fallen off the traditional curriculum track. Through mastering skills and exploring their creative side, students are able to enter high school as empowered, skilled teenagers.